2010年7月7日 星期三

Pros of Mobile Marketing

There are a number of benefits from mobile marketing:
1. It enables instant communication with customers. A large database of consumers can be built within hours.

2. The time when the campaign should be kicked-off can be controlled precisely. And, the location can also be selected too. For example, CLINIQUE HK will send a SMS about current promotion in Hong Kong, to visitors once they switch their roaming service to specific mobile network. So, visitors can enjoy the promotions once they arrive.

3. Consumers can interact with the brand by texting SMS, and thus, engagement can be developed. The brand can be elevated in the marketplace.

4. The cost is relatively low compared with printing. It enables you to change the content before sending. However, it is not allowed to edit once the circulars are printed. There is no waste – Green Marketing.

5. The response rate is higher, as more personalized and customized message are designed for delivery.

6. The effectiveness of different media can be measured by using different codes for tracking.

